Extract and structure insights from emails, PDFs, scans, reports, images, customer calls, and more with unprecedent accuracy.
Trusted by leading companies
Anyformat is like having an army of trained assistants. Just tell them what you are looking for, connect the data source, and extract the info as if you trained someone to look for specific and complex insights.
Capabilities to deploy in private clouds and on-premise to ensure that no one will ever train on your data.
We develop inhouse models to be optimized for specific use cases and guarantee the quality of the extraction
Anyformat is unmatched in processing very long and heterogenous documents automatically without hallucinations
Extract any data from annual reports, from what are their specific plans aligned with whatever initiative to industry specific frameworks.
From PDF's or excels, extract all the items from any of your provider into your database without doing manual work.
Extract and unify all your interactions with customers, from messages to audios, scattered around your systems, and build a customer profile.
Our solution is able to tackle the hardest tasks where nobody else can. Extract data from long and complex documents, multilevel tables, and free text.